What is the Best Web Development Platforms? What is the Best Web Development Platforms?

What is the Best Web Development Platforms?

There is no perfect website development platform, as everything depends on your requirement. Finding the right one that suits you is a challenge and can be a real mind-bender if you are not technically sound. There are many web development languages and frameworks out there, and we are only going to touch on some major ones that are ideal for website development. The choice of the platform is also decided by the objective you want to achieve. You may want a website to display static information, a blogging site, an eCommerce site, or simply an admin panel. Find the complete guide about the best web development platforms.

Open Source Web Development Tools

Fast Development

You would want to select a framework that is superfast in development. Single-page application websites have this capability, as the components used in the website can be reused as often as required. Normally the speed of development is closely associated with the cost too.

Scope for SEO

The website should have all the features one needs to do. You must be able to add Meta tags and scope for preloading images, among other features.

Any website or framework that does not have this scope can be considered garbage and dropped immediately without further discussion.

Scalability and Customization

The framework should have room for scalability and customization easily. It should allow a developer to add and edit website functionalities easily. It is crucial for a long-run perspective as a website goes through lots of changes in the long run.

Easy Maintenance

The website should be easy to maintain, and changes should not take much effort to execute. Most languages and frameworks have these capabilities.

With broad guidelines in place, let’s look at some web development platforms on these parameters with their advantages and disadvantages.


It is one of the best web development platforms and powers every third website worldwide.

WordPress is easy to develop and maintain with the best blogging system. It has a very good SEO system and gets you ranked comparatively much easier. SEO of WordPress-based websites is very easy to

WordPress is good for static websites, blogging systems, and small e-commerce websites. We cannot use it for multi-vendor e-commerce websites or a system that requires users to log in for functions.

However, it has limitations in terms of scalability. Although you can create plugins for any functionalities, creating one is too tedious. You can customize the website to some extent, which is restricted in the eCommerce section.

Node JS

Node JS is used for the backend system and can be clubbed with any JavaScript-based frontend framework can be used with it. Some of the most popular ones for the front end are React JS, Vue JS, and Angular JS. The three frontend frameworks are mostly similar, give or take and have the same kind of outputs as they all are based on JavaScript.

You can build almost anything with Node JS, and the user experience is very good.

It’s easy and fast to develop using JS-based frameworks, but maintenance can be difficult. The whole website needs to be built on the local system and then placed on the server for it to work.

Unlike JS-based, PHP-based frameworks are easy to maintain as the whole website does not have to be pre-built. You have to replace the concerned file, and things will work smoothly.

The SEO of JS-based frameworks is pretty poor, as they lack server-side rendering. A serious gap in these frameworks makes you think twice before using them. Developers and clients do not know this aspect of the website, making them choose these frameworks. Even if one achieves server-side rendering somehow in the JS frameworks, search engines find them hard to index properly.


Laravel is PHP’s most successful and celebrated framework that is growing daily. It is one of the best web development platforms. You can design anything and everything using third-party libraries like Tailwind, Alpine, and many more. It has no drawbacks like JS frameworks and gets you ranked easily on search engines.

Laravel ranks well on all the key features discussed at the start, like scalability, customization, SEO, development, and maintenance. From single-vendor to multi-vendor e-commerce, you can develop and scale.

However, Laravel may not be suitable for static websites unless you plan to take it big. Laravel is ideal for big projects as so you should use it.

These are the three big frameworks one should ideally use.

To summarise, for static and small projects, use WordPress.

For big projects, use Node JS and Laravel with the choice of going towards Laravel for the advantage of SEO it provides.

How does AMITKK help in Website Development Services?

We have the best team for website developers who can cater to small and big projects within time and budget. Our development keeps SEO in perspective right from the start. Whatever your requirements, we will suggest the best web development platform irrespective of anything. Rest assured, you will get the best website for your business.


Author: Sumit

Sumit is an entrepreneur who loves trying out different business ideas and sectors. His vision and passion for entrepreneurship and the role digital media plays in it is very interesting.

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