What is Guest Posting in SEO What is Guest Posting in SEO

What is Guest Posting in SEO

Have you wondered how different is the ‘Guest Post’ from a regular blog post? Well, a Guest Post is an article written and published on someone else’s blog or website. Guest posts generate referral traffic by submitting a link to another website. But submitting content supports the other website or organization’s marketing, PR and SEO initiatives.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posts are valuable tools for reputation marketing for many reasons, like getting the brand mentioned or occupying branded search query results. Guest writers submit similar blogs within their industry to draw traffic back to their website and expand their domain authority using external links to high-authority domains. These also increase their brand credibility and awareness and build relationships with peers in their industry.  

Guest posting offers mutual benefits for the guest writers and the website hosting the guest content. It is like a two-way street, as when you decide to hop on the guest post service bandwagon, you should also consider featuring posts by guest bloggers on your website.

What is Guest Posting in SEO

In Google, links are the primary ranking factor, and in SEO, Guest Blogging offers a strong opportunity to secure a backlink from another website. Guest Blogging affirms a connection with the writers having your post, spigots into their audience for added frontage, and allows you to set power among an audience. Guest post service is a highly effective SEO strategy, especially when first starting. Here’s how – 

  • Relevant do-follow links conducting back to your website boost your website’s domain rating, which is one of the components that give you a higher rating within google.
  • With proper planning, Guest posting will always remain a viable SEO strategy
  • Be careful, as cheap link building can lead to harm to SEO.
  • Guest posting services to generate mass backlinks will result in Google’s algorithm penalizing your site. 
  • A relevant, strategic, and effective guest posting service increases domain authority for your site. Then results in an upsurge in traffic as Google identifies your site as a definitive source of information.

Accepting Guest Blogging

Accepting guest posts is an amazing way to grow your website without a ton of work. The guest writer will share their content when it is published and nurture your blog after that. This free marketing can usher to better social media shares and links to your site.

But at the beginning accepting guest posts is not that easy. Here are some points to remember before you accept guest posts- 

Accepting Guest Blogging

Know Your Goals for Guest Posts

You are publishing guest posts on your website, which provides some new visitors to your website. But have you thought about what your goals are for these extra visitors? It is important to consider it before allowing people to start guest posting. You can then organize your website to best operate the extra traffic to satisfy your distinctive objectives. 

Creating Guest Posting Guidelines

Once you open your blog to guest posts, you’re bound to get a lot of inquiries about your expectations for posts. You can save yourself some time and easily address these questions by posting a guidelines page. It will also let visitors know you’re open to guest posts and hopefully encourage them to contact you.

Constructing a Plan for Promoting Guest Posts

After the guest writer is done with the post, it is important to plan to advertise their post. So make proper planning for advertisement. If social media is a great part of your marketing plan, highlight that by sharing on all social media platforms for more traffic.


Author: Nripendra

Nripendra is an educationalist with a penchant for business. He loves following and writing on how the digital world has been changing over the years. He guides us our SEO team too.

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