Micro Frontend application using React Micro Frontend application using React

Micro Frontend application using React

Frontend development presents many issues. Many App Developers aim to make it easier to streamline the development process and speed up task completion. However, collaboration among team members to develop an enormous and complicated product can be challenging. Micro frontends are made of small components that solve a specific purpose and can be managed easily. This design architecture is essential because it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of front-end developers who write code. In the article, we'll examine what micro frontends and react are, their advantages, disadvantages, and ways to implement them, and the micro frontend architecture. We will also give examples to assist you in practically understanding the concepts.

What is Micro frontends?

Micro frontends are a new development technique for constructing web applications' UIs using autonomous components.

They can be developed by teams that use various techniques. Micro frontends' architecture is similar to backbends, built by using semi-independent micro services.

In the past, the micro frontend concept has slowly gained popularity and acceptance within the developer community. Like micro services on the backend, each App (in micro frontends) exists in its distinct way with an objective or clearly defined function.

The app developers can also be split into teams with specific expertise. Thus, they could be responsible for creating home pages, and another team could code the Services page, etc.

Benefits of Micro frontends with React

Incremental Updates: Adding new features to a vast monolithic front-end application is time-consuming and challenging. With micro frontends, your staff can swiftly upgrade and release the latest features by breaking the application into smaller components. Instead of focusing on the frontend structure as a one-time application, distinct parts can be improved and new features added independently.

In addition, this provides a platform to make informed decisions and high-quality implementation of the latest technologies - rather than needing to work with one large and complicated frontend application.

  • Simple codebases: One of the biggest challenges that UK app developers confront is the complexity of their codebases. Managing a complicated codebase is challenging, and you must be extra cautious to avoid mixing up things. However, using the micro frontend, you can keep all this in the past. This approach reduces things into various smaller code bases, giving you the simplicity you require to code with maximum clarity.
  • Independent Components: The code of every frontend application will be smaller than monolithic code. Therefore, it's simpler to use. Along with providing a clean codebase, it also ensures that proper boundaries are drawn between the components. Therefore, developers are less likely to be lost or annoyed when trying to solve bugs or modify the source code.
  • Independent Deployment: Micro frontend enables independent deployment. Because of multiple frontend apps that are different builds, it is possible to deploy each separately. However, no matter where the code is stored and is stored, each micro frontend must have a pipeline for development that allows app development London firms to create tests, deploy, and build.
  • Autonomous Teams: Increase efficiency and effectiveness by splitting the team into smaller groups if you're a large staff. Each developer will be tasked with working on a specific part of the software, making it easier for engineers to develop a particular feature at the highest effectiveness.
  • Team Collaboration: In addition to encouraging specialization and enhancing the quality of code being released, Collaboration and team management are improved. Determining who is doing what is also simpler when the team size is smaller.

The tradeoffs of Micro frontends with React

  • More large download sizes Duplicate dependencies have been reported because micro frontends result in larger downloads. Since every App is designed with React and must download the dependency every time visitors want to load a website and larger download sizes are the result.
  • For instance, here's how micro frontends respond when users need to download React multiple times (multiple times) when they switch between pages since every micro frontend is equipped with a copy of React. This is a significant idea in architecture that could significantly affect load times and the user experience as well as conversion rates.
  • There is the possibility that pages load quicker when loaded at the initial speed rate. However, any following navigation could be faster as users must reload the same dependencies every time they go between pages.
  • Different environments this can be disastrous when the development environment is different from the container used in production. Micro frontend architecture lets developers develop separate applications without being hindered by other developers' micro frontends. In addition, this approach is decentralized, which makes development quicker and much simpler.
  • Management complexity: A micro frontend's decentralization method usually results in an array of diverse tiny teams with resources which could make it difficult for managers to handle. Micro frontends add more tasks to manage. Based on the scale of the project, there are more tools, repositories for server infrastructure, development pipelines domains, and so on.
  • Based on the above, it's recommended to consider the responsibility associated with managing a decentralized development framework before implementing it. In addition, it is essential to have good automation in the field to provide and handle the increasing number of resources.
  • When it comes to governing a development process, the use of micro frontends implies that decisions regarding the best practices for programming and tooling will be dispersed and won't be subject to the control of central management. The user must adapt to micro frontends to accept having less control over the crucial decision-making processes.
  • Problems with Compliance: Keeping the same standards across many front-end codebases can be challenging. It requires a strong leadership style to maintain quality, consistency, and governance across every team. In addition, compliance issues will likely arise if regular code reviews and oversight could be better executed.


Micro frontends are an amazing technology that will solve many issues associated with monolithic frontend applications. With micro frontends, you'll benefit from a faster development process, increased efficiency, incremental updates with simple codebases, autonomous deployment, autonomous teams, and many more.

Due to the professional efficiency needed for implementing micro frontends using React JS, we suggest consulting with experts. Before you adopt the micro frontend design, consider the requirements for automation, the operational and governance complexity, quality, uniformity, and other factors.

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Author: Amit Kumar Khare

Amit is a tech enthusiast and loves coding. He likes to know about things in detail which gets reflected in his writing. His penchant for the finer details makes him the perfect match when it comes to development or technical SEO.

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